Thank you for agreeing to take part in this important effort on behalf of the global HIV community. Our hope is that information you and others provide will help us understand how the novel COVID-19 virus impacts patients with HIV. We hope to better understand their risk of infection, track outcomes, and use this data to inform treatment.

Please note, this survey is for health care professionals caring for adult HIV patients.

The case report form should take about 5-7 minutes to complete. Patients identifiers such as name or date of birth will not be collected. All information will be kept strictly confidential and will only be shared with researchers compiling information. Information and updates will be shared via the COVID-19 HIV Alliance at The success of this collaborative effort depends on active participation by our HIV community to obtain accurate and reliable information.

We ask that you share this site with your colleagues and encourage them to report any cases of COVID-19 in HIV patients. Please include information at time of recovery/improvement, hospitalization or death to allow for enough time to capture data on patients full spectrum of disease.

The COVID-19 Global HIV Alliance

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