This survey is being conducted by the Center for Data and Bioinformation Services (CDABS) at the Health Sciences & Human Services Library (HS/HSL). We are looking for feedback on which services related to bioinformation and data would be most useful to and desired by the University of Maryland, Baltimore community. The responses from this survey will be carefully reviewed to help CDABS prioritize our programming for the coming year. If you work with research data in any capacity, we hope to hear from you!

You may leave the survey at any time. This survey does not ask for personally identifying information. It will not record your name or email address. While the survey results will primarily be used for internal program development, they may be shared through publications or professional conferences, and stored in an open data repository. If identifying information is added to free response questions, this will be redacted prior to sharing.

This survey should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete.

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